Thursday, 3 July 2008

If you want the rainbow...

Just look outside the window. There is a glorious one over South London right now.

But as Dolly says "if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain". Keep this in mind on Saturday if you're going to Gay Pride. It's a way of remembering those people that put up with a hell of a lot of rain, fighting for equality, so that we, our supporters, family and friends can march with dignity and pride and enjoy a day filled with gay celebration!

But tonight I have to admit that I am feeling a little moody. Is it the rain or the fact that Beth is working late? Who knows? But to break this spell I am going to have a lovely large glass of red wine and make a mood lifting moussaka. The recipe comes from Falling Cloudberries: A World of Family Recipes by Tessa Kiros, which is quite simply my favourite cookbook in the world.

I can then imagine that I am sitting on a tranquil Greek island watching the sun go down whilst I gently sip my wine, which reminds me, the film of Mamma Mia opens next week and I must book tickets. As well as Dolly, I am also a total fool for Abba. How camp and predictable!

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