Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Credit Crunch Biscuits

Well, we mentioned it weeks ago - the term Credit Crunch to describe a low budget biscuit, but finally I've seen a variation of it being used out there in the real world. A restaurant near London Bridge has a poster outside describing Credit Munch.

Has anyone else seen any other variations of this? There should be loads by now.

Sandwich shops should be selling the Credit Lunch
Greasy spoons should be offering the Credit Brunch
Struggling bars and pubs could serve a special Credit Punch

We were going to dream up a recipe for the Credit Crunch biscuit, but something like this will do. The secret to making it isn't the recipe - it's the cost of the ingredients and here's the ruse:

Biscuits need sugar right?

Do you take sugar in your tea or coffee?

If you do then you'll need to recruit someone who's "sweet enough" to help you, but if you don't then listen to this:

When you buy a tea or coffee, have you ever stopped to think about the fact that you're paying for the sugar, even though you don't have it?

Probably not, but you're thinking about it now aren't you? Yes, you've been robbed. So, instead of refusing the sweetness in future, take it and save it up. Eventually you'll have enough for your Credit Crunch biscuits. Sounds extreme? These are extreme times.

And, if you can't wait that long to save the sugar then get a cup on loan from a neighbour and pay them back when you have saved it up - that's what credit is all about after all.

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