Thursday, 3 July 2008

Dolly Dinners: Beth's Cup of Ambition

Every morning during the working week I do jump out of bed, stumble to the kitchen and pour myself a cup. Dolly describes my morning ritual perfectly.

Unless I've got a hangover, my cup of ambition is always coffee - it's one of the few things I have every single day. I'm very particular about it too. You see it has to be black (unless it's the weekend) and it has to be proper coffee (no decaf or instant thank you very much). Am I alone or are others as precious about their morning cup as I am?

Anyway, enough about coffee and on to my ambitions. I have to say that my biggest ambition in life has been to find love and happiness and I'm overjoyed to say that I've certainly achieved that. If I never achieve any of my other ambitions in my lifetime it really doesn't matter.

Nevertheless, there's nothing wrong with having dreams, so here they are (in no particular order):

1) See homophobia wiped out totally throughout the world.

2) Help counteract the ever-plummeting levels of illiteracy that I witness every day. You won't believe how wound up I get when I see a rogue apostrophe, or lack of one. I could really get on my high horse but I'm restraining myself. Does anyone else out there feel as passionately as I do? Get in touch, let's form a vigilante group. If you care its you're duty to do something to help secure the English languages surival. AGGGGHHHHH. I'm going to have a sleepless night now that I've written that sentence. Don't be surprised if it's edited out by the morning.

3) Meet Dolly Parton. She is indeed a goddess, and in addition to all the wonderful songs that she sings and writes, I have so much respect for her because she is actually doing something actively to deal with the concerns I've just ranted about above. See here to find out about her Imagination Library.

4) Finish the book I've been writing for the past three years by the end of this year.

5) Get a hairdresser that will always cut my hair the way I want it. Maybe I should follow Dolly's example and start wearing wigs. She's got sense. There's no chance of a bad hair day then.

What do you reckon, will I achieve any of the above, or should I wake up now and smell the coffee?


Anonymous said...

Dear Ambitious Goat
Firstly, as a caveat, let me say that since my days as a subeditor are long gone, that the odd rogue apostrophe or stray ellipsis may well sneak into this entry.. feel free to edit at your leisure

I think your cup of ambition in the morning is spot on. I too cannot abide anything other than a good strong cup of Cafe Direct in the morning. Followed swiftly by a soya milk latte at my local, overpriced organic cafe.

1. Vis your other ambitions. They are obviously achievable perhaps bar the homophobia one, Listening to the radio I hear that some (no doubt homophobic) Bishop advocates the use of Sharia Law (sp?) to deal with naughty muslims. As long as it doesn't affect the rest of us. No doubt.

Ambitions are interesting things. I prefer to call mine goals.
So far I have achieved them this year bar two..

1. To get my teaching global and travel to interesting places (So far, Turkey, Italy this summer and Germany, Ohio later n year)

2. To finish my fecking Phd.. like you I've been writing it for 3 years. Need a mighty big cup of Ambition to push it through the other side

3. To find love .. well I haven't found it with another but I have found it within myself and in everything I do. Its' always there!

Anyway... The key to ambitions is to see yourself doing these things and know you will one day do them.. Once the intention is out there.. The Universe tends to oblige

Just be careful what you wish for. Dolly may show up anytime soon....

Goat love xxxx

Anonymous said...

oops meant to say.. your best one is the haircut.wig one..I myself harbour ambitions of living with my hairdresser.. the lovely Nell.. so that I might have that "just stepped out of a goat shearing salon" look daily..

Sadly, I think she may object
